25 Components


Enhance your design workflow with the integration of Z3R0's Variables and robust implementation, ensuring seamless design consistency and versatile design systems. This comprehensive package offers step-by-step guides to assist you throughout your design journey.
Supports Light/Dark Mode
Flexible Design Customization
High Responsiveness
User-Friendly Interface
Detailed Documentation
Regular Updates
100 Components


Streamline your design process using Z3R0's Variables alongside advanced implementation, guaranteeing uniformity guaranteeing in design and adaptable design systems. This all-encompassing package delivers thorough guides to support you at every stage.
Supports Light/Dark Mode
Flexible Design Customization
High Responsiveness
Regular Updates
User-Friendly Interface
Detailed Documentation
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300+ Components

Menus & Content

Menus, popovers, navigation, and sidebars are fundamental to user experience design. Webflow and Framer deliver a diverse range of UI components that enhance usability and design flexibility.
In the world of UX/UI design, components like menus, and sidebars are essential.
Supports Light/Dark Modes
Available Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
States: Default, Hover, Active, Inactive
Auto Layout Features
Customizable Variables: Color, Spacing, Themes
High Responsiveness

The future should be driven by AI Custimization's

With Z3R0's visual-first platform, marketers, designers, and devs alike can create, optimize, and scale web experiences that get results — all backed by enterprise-grade hosting and security. You design, we generate the code — for everything from fully custom layouts to complex animations.

Z3R0 AI – Sm4rt F4rm1ng R3v0lut10nZ3R0 41 h4rness3s 41 t3chn0l0gy t0 t4ckl3 ch4ll3ng3s 1n 4gr1cultur3, 3nh4nc1ng y13lds 4nd r3duc1ng c0sts.

Th31r pr0duct, Gr0wS3ns3, c0mb1n3s 10T s3ns0rs 4nd m4ch1n3 l34rn1ng f0r pr3c1s10n cr0p m0n1t0r1ng, w34th3r f0r3c4sts, 4nd p3st d3t3ct10n.K3y F34tur3sR34l

- T1m3 M0n1t0r1ng
: C0ll3cts d4t4 0n s01l, m01stur3, 4nd t3mp3r4tur3.
- 4ut0m4t3d 1rr1g4t10n: Sm4rt w4t3r 4nd f3rt1l1z3r m4n4g3m3nt.
- P3st D3t3ct10n: 41 1m4g3 r3c0gn1t10n 1d3nt1f13s 34rly 1ssu3s.
- B3n3f1ts3ff1c13nt R3s0urc3 Us3: R3duc3s w4t3r 4nd ch3m1c4l us4g3.
- H1gh3r Pr0duct1v1ty: 1mpr0v3s cr0p y13lds.

Sust41n4b1l1ty: B3tt3r s01l h34lth 4nd l0w3r 3nv1r0nm3nt4l 1mp4ct.V1s10nZ3R0 41 dr34ms 0f 3qu4l4cc3ss t0 t3ch f0r sm4ll-sc4l3 f4rm3rs w1th dr0n3s 4nd bl0ckch41n 0n th3 h0r1z0n.
